What you need to know about the Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Thank the person that gave you the award & link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award to a few other recently discovered bloggers.
A few things about me:
1. I studied abroad in Italy for a semester. Not only did I get the experience of a lifetime, but I gained seven of the best girlfriends a girl could ask for.
2. I'm afraid of heights! Big time, just thinking about it makes me queasy. My interview for my current job took place on the 50th floor. I was nauseous just getting off the elevator! I was really glad our office moved down to 17!
3. I knew from the moment I met my husband (in high school) I would marry him.
4. I always thought I would have children at a young age, now I'm not sure when I will have kids. I'm just fine with it being the two of us (plus the pup!)
5. I try to recycle or buy organic, but sometimes it's really hard. Especially when our apartment complex doesn't recycle aluminum or plastic! In other words, sometimes I'm just lazy.
6. I've started watching Big Rich Texas on the Style Network. I'm not usually a reality tv fan, but there is something so ridiculous about this show, I'm hooked! It's embarrasing!
7. I hate coming up with things about me! This is really hard!
And now for a few of my recent blog discoveries!
Gus and Lula
A Simple Nest
The Preston Experiment
The View From Five Two
The Linenger Line
Our Extra Ordinary Life
Tale of a GRITS
2. I'm afraid of heights! Big time, just thinking about it makes me queasy. My interview for my current job took place on the 50th floor. I was nauseous just getting off the elevator! I was really glad our office moved down to 17!
3. I knew from the moment I met my husband (in high school) I would marry him.
4. I always thought I would have children at a young age, now I'm not sure when I will have kids. I'm just fine with it being the two of us (plus the pup!)
5. I try to recycle or buy organic, but sometimes it's really hard. Especially when our apartment complex doesn't recycle aluminum or plastic! In other words, sometimes I'm just lazy.
6. I've started watching Big Rich Texas on the Style Network. I'm not usually a reality tv fan, but there is something so ridiculous about this show, I'm hooked! It's embarrasing!
7. I hate coming up with things about me! This is really hard!
And now for a few of my recent blog discoveries!
Gus and Lula
A Simple Nest
The Preston Experiment
The View From Five Two
The Linenger Line
Our Extra Ordinary Life
Tale of a GRITS