A few months ago Ryan and I found a great china hutch at goodwill for $25. It was a steal! There were several people in the store asking about it after we had already purchased it. We felt pretty good about it and were super excited about it! We figured a little sanding, a little touch up and maybe some stain or new paint and it would be good to go! We were WRONG!! This has been the never ending project. We worked on it a few weekends ago for hours and it felt like we had not done anything!
Mrs Pace sent over a few photos from our work day...
Since the process is moving so slooooow, I figured I would bring a few pieces home with me to work on to hopefully speed up the process. With this new beauty,
I got to work for a little while this afternoon and I thought I would share what Miles thought of the process.
It took me about 45 minutes, but I think I made a lot of progress, plus a huge mess.