I left 2012 with mixed emotions.
It was a very difficult year, however it was also one of great joy. We welcomed both my niece and my nephew and we
bought a house, but also we lost the most beautiful woman I have ever
known, my mom went through two knee surgeries, and I had a lot of internal struggles. Needless to say, I have high
hopes for 2013. I’m hopeful for change!
And I think we started the new year off just right, with some of my very best friends in Huntsville, Alabama. It was a low key night, but probably my favorite new years of all time.
And I think we started the new year off just right, with some of my very best friends in Huntsville, Alabama. It was a low key night, but probably my favorite new years of all time.
I have a few goals for 2013….
Read my bible every day….
I have started The Daily Bible
that has devotionals and reads the bible in chronological order. Unfortunately,
I’m already a few days behind, but I have been reading every day. I have a tendency to fall asleep while I’m
reading so I have to complete the day the following day, which puts me
behind. I’m still working to find the
perfect time of day to really dig in and get a full daily reading in.
Blog more….
I have debated this blog for a while now. I've changed the layout, I've changed the
name, but nothing really seems to motivate me to actually blog. I think part of it is finding the time to do
it, part of it is insecurity, and how much I want to put out her on the
internet. I enjoy reading other blogs
and always feel inspired to write more after reading others, but have been a
little insecure about posting. I’m
afraid no one is interested in my mundane everyday life. But I’m going to put those insecurities aside
and blog for me, isn't that what this is supposed to be for anyway? As a memory to look back on, and like I said,
I have high hopes for 2013, so I would like to remember it!
Find a church….
Ryan and I loved our church. We
loved the people we met, we loved the small group, we loved going on Sunday
mornings, we always took something away from the message. But, we moved, and we moved pretty far
north. After spending every day in the
car to get to work the last thing I want to do is drive into the city on the
weekend. Plus, I like the feel of
community a church brings and being at least thirty minutes from church makes
it difficult to participate in things like a small group or Sunday school. So in the new year, I’m putting my foot down to
find a church home close to home.
Eat healthier, Exercise more...
Self explanatory :)
Craft more...
I got a Cricut for Christmas and I can not wait to try it out!
Enjoy life more...
I have a tendency to look towards the future, look for what will change. I want to live in the moment more. Stop focusing on what it could be or should be and what it is.
There you have it. Just a few goals for 2013! Cheers to a great new year!