I have a problem when it comes to dinnertime. I am horrible at coming up with ideas for dinner. When we got married I was sure I would be cooking more, well, it's come in waves, but I would say we eat out quite a bit. I've used the excuse that it's hard to cook for two people, but I have finally figured out why I don't cook. I never have any food in the house! And that stems from my hatred for the grocery store. I HATE going grocery shopping.
This always happens to me!!
Just the thought of it makes me cringe. Tonight, instead of going grocery shopping, I dusted! I found that more enjoyable, ha! I typically make Ryan go with me so I will “enjoy” grocery shopping. We will usually buy food for a week maybe two weeks and then once we run out it’s back to eating out. We end up with a lot of frozen foods and packaged things that will heat up easily. Every time I go I swear I am never going to buy them again, and they end up in my cart every trip! I love the idea of coming up with foods from scratch and eating fresh foods, but the fresh foods I buy always end up going bad before I use them.
Don't these look yummy!?
And I seriously loathe eating out all the time (plus it will save us some money to eat in) but somehow it always seems easier to go grab something than actually taking my butt to the grocery store.
I read Shine every week for recipes, but they always seems so hard and/or overwhelming, but practice makes perfect right? I’m going to drag myself to the grocery store and buy items that I will actually use. I’ve been considering going to one of those places that you pay to have someone show you how to make the meal and then you can take them home and freeze them (I know these places have a name, but I can’t think of it, probably why I haven’t done it, haha!). So, moving forward I'm going to try really hard to have meals at home like this: