
Showing posts with label Photography Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography Challenge. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Photography Challenge: Week #5

It is now week #5 of the photography challenge.  I have had a lot of fun learning more about my camera, plus it's a reason for me to blog.  I really do intend to blog more often, but I have found life has been too busy or just not interetesting enough to blog about. 

Week #5's challenge: Shoot from a high angle

Well what better than to take a few shots while at work.  I work in the third tallest building in Atlanta and thought the 50th floor of the building would make for some pretty high angles.  Here is what I came up with.

High Museum of Art

1180 Peachtree

View of the park at our building, unfortunately the shade of the building didn't make for a great picutre.
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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Photography Challenge: Week 4

I know, I know I'm late to the party again!  It's been somewhat of a crazy week.  So without further ado, my pictures for the Photography Challenge Week 4: Dinner.

Like I said, it was a crazy week, so I never made it to the grocery store.  So for our dinner, we headed out to KFC.

And since it was my sister's birthday this week, I thought I would throw in a picture of her cake.  My dad is an excellent cake baker!

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Photography Challenge : Week 3 (a few days late)

Thursday morning my mom and I flew up to Chicago to spend a few days with my grandmother.  My grandmother has been in and out of the hospital lately recovering from a broken hip and a few other things that come from old age.  For the last month she has been staying in a facility that is helping her get stronger everyday so she can come back home to my aunt's house.  I haven't been up here since thanksgiving last year and a visit was long overdue.

So unfortunately, my photography entry is a few days late.  However, my grandmother and our time together has left me with some great pictures.  I have never, ever seen my grandmother with her nails painted.  She has never been that interested in things like that so to my surprise her fingernails were bright pink.  Unfortunately she thought the nurse painted them, but in reality my aunt gave her a manicure to pass the time while she stays at the rehab facility.  I thought her bright pink nails and green root beer float would be the perfect subject.

These hands have raised five children, seventeen grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren.

 I thought I would throw in a few more pictures of my mom and I spending the day outside with her.



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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Photography Challenge Week #2

Week #2 of our photography challenge is What Makes You Smile? 

Since last week Miles seemed to take front and center of my self portrait, I decided I needed to find something else to photograph.  While there are several things that make me smile, husband, family, friends, I thought those would be too easy.  So I thought all day about it yesterday and on my home from work I heard the new Rascal Flatts song on the radio.  A light bulb went off!  I LOVE Rascal Flatts.  I can remember the first time I heard Praying for Daylight, I was a sophomore in high school and had just gotten my drivers license (this does age me) and I've been in love ever since!

So this week's photo is of my Rascal Flatts Cd's (this is by no means my entire collection :)) 

Ryan and I went to CMA Fest in June and got to see Rascal Flatts, very fun!!

On a side note, a friend of mine from high school had a sweet baby boy yesterday.  Right after he was delivered they found some severe heart defects and had to rush him to the children's hospital.  You can read more about it here.   It makes my heart smile how many people have wrapped them in love and prayers already, but they could really use your prayers. 

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Photography Challenge: Week 1

My friend LB from A Step In The Journey  created a Photography Challenge to do every week.  I decided to join in on the fun!  Ryan got me a Canon for Christmas right before we got married.  While I have taken great pictures with it, none of them have been because of talent, it's just a nice camera with a great zoom.  I've been meaning to learn more about my camera for a while now and thought this would be the perfect opportunity.

Week 1 is a self portrait, so here is what I came up with.  I set up the self timer and of course, Miles just couldn't resist, he had to be front and center!

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