
Showing posts with label Friday's Letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday's Letters. Show all posts

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear weekend, I’m not sure I've ever been so ready to see you.  This week, working two positions, and longer commutes has worn me out.

Dear 5:30am, I have not enjoyed seeing you this week.  I guess we will get to know each other more now, but I’m not happy about it.

Dear Miles, when you wait by the window and run to the garage when I pull into the driveway so you can meet me at the door, just makes my day.  You are too cute!

Dear Miles, I hope you enjoy your play date today! Please run your little heart out, you've been full of too much energy lately.

Dear husband, even though you roll your eyes at me and think I’m crazy, thank you for putting together my composting bin. 

Dear crocs, I never in a million years thought I would ever own a pair of your very strange shoes.  However, last night changed my mind.  My feet have been killing me and I need a good pair of walking shoes, your comfort and price were just what I needed.

Dear 29th Birthday, like I told my sister, I've been avoiding you like the plague.  I’m not sure if it’s because I’m now a year away from 30 or if it’s because you are bringing more and more gray hair, but I have not been looking forward to you.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday's Letters

Here are my Friday's Letters....

Dear 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess: thank you for captivating me this week.  You have truly inspired me, challenged me, pushed me, made me laugh and much, much more.  

Dear icy, North Georgia roads:  please melt before I leave work or be kind to and let me get home, you and I don't have a great history.  

Dear Nashville: thank you for being a ridiculously addicting drama that combines country music and love affairs.  It's the perfect combination and I look forward to watching every week.

Dear GroupMe: I am so glad I we found you.  You have been the perfect app to connect with some of my best girlfriends, all together, everyday.  You have brought great joy to my life this week. 

Not much today, just looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend.  Happy Friday!

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday's Letters

I love reading blogs. There are a few that are must reads!  A few of them have participated in Friday Letters, so I finally looked into the blog that started them.  I absolutely love her blog.

So, here are my Friday Letters...

Dear Weekend... you could not have come soon enough!  It was been a very long week.

Dear boss... thanks for letting me start my weekend a little early! It's much appreciated!

Dear husband... I'm so proud of you for studying hard all week to take your Life test next week, I know you will do great!

Dear Christmas decorations that have been hiding behind closed doors... I will finish putting you away this weekend!

Dear washing machine... thank you for breaking right after Christmas, your timing is impeccable.  You will be fixed or gone by the end of the weekend!

Dear third anniversary... it's hard to believe you are next week.  The past three years have been a roller coaster and I look forward to many many more!

Happy Weekend!

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