1. I took Friday off of work, it was a much needed personal day. I got to have lunch with this little cutie, so it really started off the weekend right. Unfortunately as I was saying goodbye she decided to spit up on me L, just a little parting gift.
2. While at home, I found a great picture of my sisters and I at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. Check out my hair! Unfortunatly I did not use a hair straightener until later in life. We did have a lot of fun when the Olympics were here. We were lucky enough to go to several events and had a lot of fun.
3. Ryan has been dying to see The Dark Knight Rises. He begged to see it at the IMAX theatre at the Mall of Georgia, but seeing how tickets were $17.50 a pop and we are on a strict budget, I refused. He settled for a 10:30am matinee. We loved it, I’m sure he is already trying to find to go see it again.
4. Our 10 year high school reunion was this weekend. We did not go. I had been on the fence about going, it was going to cost $100 (yes, I know, it’s not that much) but Ryan really didn’t want to go. It was held at Sweetwater Brewery from 4pm-7pm and we both felt it was such an odd time. We have also been to the brewery and not many classmates were going. From a class of 800+ only about 80-100 went. Plus, Ryan was not interested in the same questions you hear every time you run into someone you haven’t seen in a while. He joked that he was embarrassed to be married to me, (I was the shy, quiet type, he was not) but we all know that’s not true!
5. Instead of heading to the reunion, we chose to meet up with some of my close girlfriends and their husbands after at Front Page News. So much has changed since high school, so it was nice to catch up. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures.
6. Sunday we took our moms to see the house. We didn’t show the house to anyone before we put an offer on it, and only told family that we had. We’ve been burned in the past and didn’t want to take our chances. Of course having plenty of time in the house has us already planning millions of projects. I have to keep reminding myself, one at a time.
7. Speaking of projects, we spent a good hour and a half walking around Home Depot pricing things out and getting ideas. This was extremely dangerous! We also stopped at Brands Mart because Ryan assured me that our TV is not big enough to mount over the mantel and we will need a bigger TV. Ha!
8. We ended the weekend with a little bit of a scare. Miles started choking on a rawhide bone. Unfortunately, I could not get it out, but instead he swallowed it. I did some research, and turns out, you really aren’t supposed to give dogs rawhide bones. I don’t give them to him often, but I didn’t know any of the issues that they can cause. We have watched him closely for the last two days and he isn’t experiencing any of the symptoms that would indicate he is having trouble. Needless to say, we won’t be giving him bones anymore!