
Friday, June 24, 2011

Healthy Kick and Iced Coffee

So yesterday I received a text from my husband asking me to go running with him. I said sure because normally we come home and it doesn’t happen. Well, yesterday was different. I think he is trying to kill me. It’s hot, I don’t like to exercise and we ran a long way, with hills. Normally, when I run, it's mostly walking, not with him, he pushes and yells at me to run! How is this fun?  He seems to be very motivated. So motivated that he is willing to change his diet and run every day. Now, I’m all about changing the way we eat, I’ve been trying to do this for some time now, but exercising every day!? I am LAZY. I don’t like to run! Again, it's hot outside!  This could take some getting used to. He says I’ll thank him when I like the way I look, what is that supposed to mean anyway!

Along with the running, we made some other adjustments last night too. We went to Publix to grab something quick for dinner. Normally he gets a full Italian sub, full of roast beef, ham, cheese and salami, healthy, right? Not so much. I suggested that he eat a turkey sub without oil, vinegar, mayo and some of the more fattening toppings. So we split a turkey sub with light mustard, no cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles and green peppers. He did not like it! The next big obstacle was what to drink. No more coke! Ryan loves coke and Schwepps and sweet tea. We went to Target to get water bottles to tote around all day...they filter the water for us!

I read on Yahoo today that if you take 10,000 steps a day it will cut 500 calories a day.  So we picked up a Step Counter too.  Both of us are pretty competitive, so a little healthy competition might get us moving.

Now, for the good part.  I was on a blog yesterday and came across a recipe for iced coffee.  I LOVE iced coffee.  I crave it every morning but I try not to buy it from my favorite, McDonald's, because it's loaded with sugar, and you know, bad for me!  But I could not help trying the recipe and I could not be more excited.  It is DELICIOUS!!  The iced coffee recipe can be found here.  I am so excited to have iced coffee every morning right from my very own fridge!  It's the little things people! 

So glad it is Friday! I'm excited to celebrate my mom and my brother in law's birthday this weekend.  We will also officially become members at our church!  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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  1. Good for you! I am with you... I HATE to exercise! My parents bought Kevin and I those same water bottles for Christmas. I love mine!
    Good Luck!!

  2. That's awesome Katie. I am proud of the changes. Eating better is so hard when there are so many delicious things out there that are so bad for you. But I know it's all worth it when you feel better about yourself. I try to drink more water and have almost completely cut out sodas. Iced coffee is a weakness of mine as well...esp McDonalds! Delish!!! I'm going to have to try your recipe! Also, Bruce has started running again and he wants me to run too, but it ain't happening. haha I HATE running. But I have been going to the gym. It has air conditioning. Very nice. Good luck! Miss you!!!


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